Citizens have a critical role to play in advancing transparency, accountability and effectiveness in the delivery of municipal services.
Smart cities leverage technology to effectively engage citizens, efficiently provide services, improve participatory democracy and enhance administrative efficiencies. The Co-City mobile platform is one such solution. The app empowers citizens to report safety, bylaw and service incidents to the r municipality, while they receive updates and alerts from the municipality. Citizens are able to directly interact with their local government in a convenient and cost effective manner.
Co-City provides an intuitive web-based dashboard that enables municipal officials to instantaneously receive rich mobile data and capture incidents reported from multiple channels for appropriate action to be taken following an integrated workflow process. The Co-Safety Dashboard automates incident management, tracks incident progress and creates a single version of the truth within a municipality.
Co-City dashboard provides data analytics capabilities that enable dynamic visualisation incidents in various reports and heat maps. Data analytics build intelligence of incident hotspots that can aid strategic deployment of resources, evidence-based decision making and planning by management.
The Co-City platform has API capabilities to enable integration with other systems in any environment. The system is customisable to cater for any service delivery environment whether there is a need to digitise incident management, integrate mobile apps, or pro-actively engage citizens. It’s a solution for smart cities that want to leverage technology and innovation to deliver services.
The Innovation Centre, 1 Mark Shuttleworth Street, The Innovation Hub, Pretoria, 0087, Gauteng
© Pulego Technologies 2023